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  • What's inside Yoga Sūtras & Philosophy of Yoga - Vol. 4 :

    • Includes a Bird’s-Eye-View of Yoga Sūtra Philosophy

      • w/ an Overview of Each of the Four Chapters (Pāda)

    • Theory Section of Concepts from the Sūtras

    • Audio Embedded into PDF for Easy Use & Practice

    • Word-by-word Breakdown for In-depth Study

    • Sūtra-by-sūtra Recordings for Easy Learning (in process)

    • Full-Color Layout​​

Best Yoga Presentation: This translation presents highlights from the primary traditional Yoga Sūtra commentaries of Vyasa, Vachaspati Mishra, Vijnanabhikshu, Shankaracharya, et al. It conveys similarties and differences between these commentaries as well as the author’s own perspective. This is a valuable scholarly presentation.

by Edwin Bryant

Best Scholastic Presentation: This translation presents highlights from the primary traditional Yoga Sūtra commentaries of Vyasa, Vachaspati Mishra, Vijnanabhikshu, Shankaracharya, et al. It conveys similarities and differences between these commentaries as well as the author’s own perspective. This is a valuable scholarly presentation.

by Swami Satchidananda

Easy Reading Version: I highly recommend this version of the Yoga Sūtra. The practical depth is beautifully expressed in simply language. Every sūtra is explained with practical examples and often with stories from the Indian tradition.

by Paramahansa Yoganand

Yogananda sheds a clarifying light on the deeper meaning of the Bhagavad Gita's symbology. He shows how the characters represent the negative tendencies of the human ego pitted against the divine qualities of the soul, and how the science of Yoga helps to achieve the joy of material and spiritual victory in daily life. An inspiring and concise introduction to yogic spiritual truths. Yogananda explains the step-by-step methods of yoga meditation and right action to achieve a higher spiritual perspective. Features Paramahansa Yogananda's original translation of the Bhagavad Gita for the first time in sequential form.

by Swami Chidbhavananda

Swami Chidbhavananda’s commentary is thoroughly illustrated with pragmatic, easy to understand analogies that illuminate many levels of meaning for the sincere & faithful yoga practitioner; and, it is in harmony with Sankara’s commentary.

by Sri Sankaracharya

Sri Sankaracharya’s commentary explains the relationship between dual & non-dual philosophies. It lays foundational concepts of invaluable significance to all ardent yoga practitioner.

by Paramahansa Yogananda

Yogananda's translation and commentary brings a unique and penetrating insight into this yogic text. This translation explains the Bhagavad Gita's deepest spiritual, psychological, and metaphysical truths of the allegorical story. Yogananda takes Lord Krishna's counsel to the warrior Arjuna and applies it to our everyday struggles with the human ego. Our greatest battle he explains, like Arjuna's, takes place within our own minds as we fight our doubts, fears, negative habits, self-defeating thoughts, and erroneous thinking.
Yogananda said, "The whole intent of the Gita is to align man's efforts on the side of dharma, or righteousness. The ultimate aim is Self-realization, the realization of man's true Self, the soul, as made in the image of God, one with the ever-existing, ever-conscious, ever-new bliss of Spirit."

philosophy, ethics, and practices for a modern spiritual life by Dr. Shankaranarayana Jois

Drawing from his personal experiences of yoga and insight into ancient Sanskrit texts, Dr. Shankaranarayana Jois connects yogic philosophy to how we approach food, work, education, relationships, and other conscious lifestyle choices to support our deepest longings for happiness, peace, and balance. Practical and insightful, The Sacred Tradition of Yoga begins with a clear and deep inquiry into the human condition, reminding us of true purpose of Yoga. The second half of the book focuses on the yamas and niyamas, the personal disciplines and social ethics of yoga. Throughout, Dr. Jois’ teachings honor ancient traditions and underscore the benefits we can gain from adopting a yogic way of life in the modern world.


by Guy Donahaye with Eddie Stern

An incredibly valuable book on Yoga and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois: This is a collection of 27 extensive interviews with Guruji’s closest and most advanced students. It is filled with such deep and varying insights revealing the incredible depth, love, knowledge and humour of our beloved Guruji’s yogic & family life.

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